

Thank you for visiting the Classy Cupcake website blog! Please stay awhile and enjoy the journey of the store and see what we're up to now... leave a comment or email me to say hello! If you want to order cupcakes, PLEASE call the store - 772-563-0110! Thank You!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Classy Cupcakes One Week Anniversary!

Hey... It was a Celebration today! We gave out a free mini cupcake with every cupcake purchase for our One Week Anniversary!!! Things are going so GREAT!!! I haven't had a chance to advertise yet... we just opened the door and we are doing quite well! This location has a lot of drive by and people are just noticing the CUPCAKE sign and then the banner sign in the window NOW OPEN! Most people walk in in somewhat of a daze and see the cupcakes in the case and say... "Wow, I love Cupcakes!" It's very fun!

Putting in the glass on the cupcakes counter...

Counter and front window...

Counter again...

Daughter Rebecca and my sister Sara...

Daniel and Paul enjoying cupcakes at Classy Cupcakes on Opening day...

This is my Mural wall... it's not quite finished yet, but it looks like my business card...and it photographs really well! Thank you so much to Agnes Manganelli for painting the Classy Cupcakes for me!

Cupcakes in the case on the 4th of July...

This is what's on the counter in front of the register! Emilee's tip cup!

That's all for now... I will post more pictures from my sisters camera as soon as I get them!

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