

Thank you for visiting the Classy Cupcake website blog! Please stay awhile and enjoy the journey of the store and see what we're up to now... leave a comment or email me to say hello! If you want to order cupcakes, PLEASE call the store - 772-563-0110! Thank You!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Down the Rabbit Hole... Cookies n Cream Cupcakes

I wish I was a better photographer... I made only one of these for a picture... I am going to decorate the other three tomorrow and post them so I will be able to send out an email to offer Easter orders!!! I could not find white circus peanuts so the feet are just butter cream and the pad is a jelly bean half and the toes are mini chocolate chips!


Cheri said...

I met you today at Bella. Enjoyed your test "Cookie's N Cream" Cupcake. I can see/make out the photo just fine. I was too far away from the computer.

I recently visited the Sprinkles Cupcake Shop in Los Angeles. This is the website link in case you aren't familiar.

They are franchising more and more shops. I noticed they are opening one in Miami soon. The L.A. store was packed! People do love their cupcakes.

I thought you might get some ideas from their flavor listing page and gift page.. Or Maybe this is old news to you...

Just wanted to say Good luck with the shop. I am sure I will see you there.

debi said...

Sprinkles is one of the shops that has inspired me to do Classy Cupcakes!!! I'm glad you got a better look at the cupcake and now can see the rabbit feet... I was worried that it was awful!!! I am sending out emails for my special order Easter cupcakes tonight... Thanks for the kudos!